Meandering Thoughts on Business and Life

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Location: Chicago, United States

Wrote a book, "Escape the Improvement Trap" a story about moving beyond the Improvement tools. But so far it has not changed the world. Newest book "How to Do a Gemba Walk" and I'm honored it is a recipient of the prestigious Shingo Research and Business Publication Award. In many ways the second book is intended to be a guide on how to lead more effectively.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Launching a Consortium in Chicago

We are looking to do something new in the Chicago area based on a very successful model in Canada. High Performance Solutions has been facilitating consortiums (referred to as Leveraged Learning Networks by the MIT Sloan Management Review) for more than 15 years. Members of the consortium on the average have been able to improve their lean effectiveness scores by 100% over a three-year period.

What is a consortium you might ask?

The Consortium will be driven by the members to ensure its agenda aligns with their needs. They will come together as a group to share best practices, share knowledge, share skill sets, share training, and accelerate practical learning for every employee in the member company, not just leadership.

Our target is bring together 12 to 15 companies within easy driving distance of each other who wish to cut through the rhetoric to achieve sustainable continuous improvement. To do it they will apply Lean Thinking to introduce tools and techniques that can help member companies to implement sustainable solutions in the fastest possible time that will have a bearing on their competitiveness.

It’s a challenge in the current environment – do you wait for clear signs that the recovery is here? Or do you invest in improvement projects now to obtain a competitive advantage? A recent article by McKinsey & Company strongly suggests the latter. The crisis: Timing Strategic Moves; Richard Dobbs & Timothy M. Koller; McKinsey Quarterly, April 2009

I thought it might be fun and informative for us to share our progress getting this new venture underway. Would appreciate your feedback.

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