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Location: Chicago, United States

Wrote a book, "Escape the Improvement Trap" a story about moving beyond the Improvement tools. But so far it has not changed the world. Newest book "How to Do a Gemba Walk" and I'm honored it is a recipient of the prestigious Shingo Research and Business Publication Award. In many ways the second book is intended to be a guide on how to lead more effectively.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Taking Responsibility, Rather Than Being an Angry Victim

"On Trade, Angry Voters Have a Point" ... This is a very weird election year. I can't believe the lack of professionalism and's a new low in American politics. But who is responsible? Who allowed our become???? so political? We elect the bozos in Washington. It's true they pander to $$$, but they still need to get the votes. Washington is a problem...but not the only one. Excessive $$$ for CEOs in the Fortune 500 has been a factor in many poor outsourcing decisions. Angry Unions in the auto and aerospace industries overplayed their hands in negotiating with management. Giving management little choice in some instances other than to move production elsewhere (not saying management was perfect or even good). And many of those "Angry Voters" referenced in the NYT article have shopped at Wal Mart for years buying 'low costs' imports from China rather than paying a couple dollars more to keep local retail businesses and U.S. manufacturing jobs. Getting angry is not a solution. There are jobs for people with the right skills. We need more critical thinking skills, less I'm a victim, and more get up and go do it. We used to be a nation of 'doers.' Let's start taking responsibility and acting appropriately.


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